Among the Robertses who made the South Carolina midlands their home was Phillip Roberts III, who married Mary Ann Evans, a Richland County native. They owned a plantation in what is now lower Richland County, and accumulated a sizable estate. The Roberts records in this website focus on the family and descendants of Phillip and Mary Ann Evans Roberts, although other lines are also explored. Phillip Roberts parents were Phillip Roberts and Sarah Kirtley. His grandaparents were Phillip Roberts and Mary Jordan. Phillip was from the Highlands of Scotland and Mary was born in NC.

The Roberts family is closely related to the beginnings of Methodism in Richland County, especially in lower Richland. When Susan Ann Roberts Freeman died, her obituary noted that “She was a member of one of the pioneer families of Methodism of this section of the county.” Members of the Roberts family were charter members of the Brown’s Chapel, Main Street, and Shandon Methodist churches. Many of the Brown’s Chapel families were displaced by Fort Jackson and that church has long been closed. But Main Street and Shandon churches are still strong Columbia churches. Many Columbia-area United Methodist churches have had Roberts family connections over the years.

Descendants of Phillip and Mary Ann have contributed strongly to the business, social and religious life of Columbia and Richland County.

The Roberts information from the Genealogy Jam with submission by Jim Hepler. Click family name header to post a reply and see replies.