Colonel's Creek Baptist Church
The church is located 21 miles E. of Columbia, SC. It was founded as Colonel's Creek Missionary Baptist Church organized in 1840. It was a rectangular frame structure 45 x 30 feet with a capacity of 250.The interior was described as plain with rough home made pews built about 1851.The whole church property which includes a one acre cemetery is valued at $1000.
The early history of this church is very obscure. Dr. E. l. Green assisns a much earlier date of 1800 for the church start up. However 1840 is the date given in the official minutes of the association. The first pastor was Jacob Higgins who served from 1840 to 1860. Rev. Higgins is said to have built the log house first used by the congregation. Present membership is 92. The present pastor is the Rev.Andrew Hartley, 108 Sumter St. Columbia, SC. Clerk of Court is W.H Koon of Lugoff, SC.
S.C Historical Records Survey Collection
USC Carolinian Library